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Sometimes, we like to peruse the web to see what other people are saying about us. And sometimes, we stumble across some cracker reviews, like this one from hotel owner, ‘Jack’, that is simply too good not to share.

“I am desperately going to try and not sound like a fan boy. Pikes, you see, is different. The hotel itself is not really the point. There are a plethora of secret areas, hobbit style doors and naughty secret nooks and crannies that have undoubtedly seen a fair slice of debauchery. The main building defies logic. It is as a grumpy giant threw a collection of holiday apartments in to the air, left them where they fell and connected them with a few bars and a pool.

Every terrace has groups and couples drinking, laughing and partying. A constant heavy bass line beats time for the swaying bodies, and a heady mix of sunshine and cocktails plasters grins across sun-kissed faces. The hotel is teeming with life, happy life. It is inspiring.

But the building and the setting (delightful though they are) are without doubt the worst part of the hotel. The genius is in the management, for what they have done is scour the world to employ all of your best friends as staff – you may have never met them before you get there, but when you leave they will be soul mates!

But most important members of the cast of Pikes are the guests.

You see, whatever people do for a living, when they get to Pikes, they strip off their lives and become who they want to be. Not who society tells them they should be – but who they should be. That is the real beauty of Pikes. It is not an eclectic building, an incredible club or a collection of wonderful staff. It is far more than this. It is an oasis of mayhem in an increasingly grey and correct world full of glass, chrome and corporate-coloured carpet.

Oh and one final point – and most possibly one you will have already guessed. I gave up trying not to sound like a fan. I most assuredly and unashamedly am one.”

Thanks for sharing Jack… hope you come back!

By Team Pikes

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